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Grummitt top 5 wishes for the next decade…..

Everyone and his dog seem to be predicting trends for the next decade. I have noticed that virtually any group that is attached to Twitter, LinkedIn or http://blog-anything is full of it.

In keeping with this trend I wanted to contribute some predictions of my own. However, I didn’t feel qualified because I totally failed to identify most of the trends in the past decade. After days of agonising I realised that I do know exactly what I would like to happen in the next decade – and that can never be proved wrong!

So here is my (slightly tongue-in-cheek) list of 5 key wishes for the next decade:

1. An alcohol-chelating pill.

Yes, this is a dream come true, a pill that can strip all of the alcohol from your blood. This is not ridiculous; chelating agents are currently used to strip toxic metals from the blood. In fact ten years ago I was having chelation therapy myself to strip mercury from my system, so I know what I’m talking about.

Imagine going out for a meal or to a party knowing that you could swallow a pill 30 minutes before leaving that would effectively strip all of the alcohol from your blood! No more worries about drink driving and you can enjoy yourself! The more you think about this one the more you wonder why it has not been invented already.

2. Exploding SPAM filters.

Why not make phishing dangerous as well as ineffective. I don’t know about you, but I would love to think that every time someone from Eastern Europe sends me an invitation to give them my password, they get an explosion that destroys their technology for good! Any other SPAM aimed at getting my attention would certainly get it…..right back.

3. Power from Sh-t.

This one is a ‘no-brainer’. The world is running out of oil – petrol for vehicles is rising and the price of electricity has trebled in the past decade.
On the other hand, the world’s population is exploding and sh-t has never been more plentiful! You can see where I’m going with this one.

Why not use all of that extra sh-t by converting it to power to run vehicles, heat homes and run our computers? Why not turn a growing problem into an advantage?

4. Implanted mobile phones.

I know what you’re thinking – the idea of having a mobile device implanted in my brain is horrible! However, just stop a moment to think about the advantages:

• No more problems with hands free devices in the car

• No possibility of accidentally dropping your phone into the toilet (this is more a woman’s thing I think)

• No more dropping your phone on the concrete concourse at the airport just as you are rushing to catch a plane to Sydney where you will desperately need it.

• An opportunity to put it into ‘sleep mode’ whenever you want to avoid someone’s calls

• You will never forget to take your phone with you again – it will be with you at all times (this one is particularly useful for older readers)!

5. A time machine.

Many executives have gym machines at home when what they really need is a time machine.

Imagine a box (a bit like the ‘Tardis’ in Dr Who) which will travel backwards or forwards in time on your command. When time runs out or is short, simply turn it back again and take 3 days to write that report! On the other hand, at strategic planning time, gain some much needed stability in the organisation by eliminating the possibilities; travel to the future and get every forecast right for the next 10 years!

What are your wishes?
Please don’t comment on this article to say that none of this is possible; that would be far too boring. Why not start a conversation on any possible disadvantages of any of the above wishes, or even better, contribute some of your own…. And lighten up the next decade!

Good luck and Happy New Year!

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