Growing Wiser Logo Janis Grummitt

Building Wisdom in an Ageing Society

10 Practical Actions

This is the third part of a paper about the opportunities of an ageing population. It suggests ten possible actions for taking advanatage of the positive opportunities presented by this situation.

1.    Challenge myths – involve everyone in the conversation. Raise awareness of role models. Build new myths into the culture
2.    Focus all generations on working together for shared success; encourage age diversity in working groups and teams
3.    Change established roles at work. Introduce mentoring and other roles in leadership that recognise wisdom. Give these roles ‘mana’
4.    Encourage everyone to exercise their bodies and brains regularly and develop good habits
5.    Give leadership roles to wise employees and enable others to find alternate fields of contribution in the community. No aged quota system!
6.    Help employees to confidently transition one work phase of their lives to the next. Tribal communities do this well – we don’t
7.    Expect people to take responsibility for their future; support them by translating research into ‘can do’ habits for personal development and deferring dementia
8.    Raise awareness – talk to everyone about the potential of a wiser society. Role model – be the change you want to see. Be positive.
9.    Help people to aspire to being wise – make it as attractive as an MBA but don’t allow wisdom to be confused with intellect
10 Start by taking responsibility for yourself and your family  and take a positive lead. BrightbrainForWisdom
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