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Communal Olive Picking

A few weeks ago we had a fantastic time picking olives for our friends Nicky and Mike. Neighbours, friends, family, it was like a scene from Italy – but we were in Kaukapakapa! It was a community occasion that has taken place here every picking season for seven years.

It is the sort of event that everyone looks forward to. It isn’t exciting work (especially if it rains) it involves either hand picking the olives or helping to hold and maneuver the net under the tree to catch fruit shaken by the mechanical ‘somethingorother’ which arrived a few years into the event. The machine is much faster but somehow not as satisfying to me as picking the olives by hand. It is fun because everyone works together for a common purpose – Nicky and Mike’s oil. This year we picked an entire trailer of olives for pressing. Villages in Italy probably still use events like this to bond their families and communities; I understand why they do this.

Nicky and Mike left corporate jobs ten years ago and bought the land in Kaukapakapa North West of Auckland. We all thought that they were mad at the time. They were planting olives without being sure about their success, surviving without a regular income (Nicky and Mike both consult to make income now). In addition they were bringing up two young children (three now – Zac was born a couple of years into the project) this is not for the faint-hearted and not something that most of us would stick at for ten years! It was their dream family life and they are certainly living it.  

Every year since 2000 (the first planting) the family have taken a photo by a tree. Originally a newly planted stick, it is now a large tree. Things have changed a lot since that first photograph. The historical record shows changes over time and an album stores the proof. This year we were taking part out of community tradition rather than necessity. The olives are now so prolific that Mike can afford to bring in professional pickers (who are no doubt far faster than us).

The post-picking party had everyone involved in making pizzas in the outdoor oven and inside there was roast pork and fillet of beef (one of Mike’s own steers) and a great deal of wine. The weather was lovely and I watched the children playing. I have no doubt that they will remember these times for the rest of their lives. How I wish that I had been part of such a great family and community occasion when I was a child!

Hand Picking (above)

The after party

The final pick (below)

Nicky and Mike have worked incredibly hard over ten years. They have made their dream a reality for them and their children. This year the olive oil will make enough money to cover costs and it will be beautiful (it was last year). Good on you Nicky and Mike, you deserve your success. You may hear of their oil in the years to come – I could give the brand a plug, but all of the oil is pre-sold because of its quality. Luckily, we pickers get a bottle……


Family tree photo 2010. Left to right – Rosie, Zac, Ollie, Nicky, Mike, Scamp, Hamish.

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