Growing Wiser Logo Janis Grummitt

Opportunities of the ageing population

Opportunities of the Ageing Population
There is a world wide population bulge occurring in the next 40 years – the ‘baby-boomers’. In case you are unaware of the figures:
For over 12,000 years, the population has been dominated by those under 65. In recent years, due to increased longevity, that balance has shifted upwards. By 2050, for the first time there will be more people over 65 than under.
At present, the incidence of dementia is 1 in 1000 up to the age of 65. So if you are lucky enough to reach 80 (which most of us will be) the likelihood of you being demented will be 1 in 5. 
There are two main implications:
1.    Unless we act now, by 2050, there could be an epidemic of dementia in our society
2.    If we retain our existing ideas about old age and retirement, over half the population will be dependent. In fact, if you include younger people under working age, the total dependency to earning ratio becomes about 70% to 30%.
Clearly this is not a world in which we want to live. Consequences are grim for everyone, here are a few:
  • The ageing population will negatively impact the economy
  • Children will be burdened with dependent parents
  • Most of us will spend 20 or 30 years feeling irrelevant to society
  • The health service will be overcome by geriatric care
  • The world will become polarized into young and old
Most reports about this phenomenon are negative, but trends are only relevant if the present situation continues, so I am starting the campaign for change. The negative (grim) possibilities are real (see above) but not inevitable.
I believe that we should work towards the positive potential of this new situation. There would be a significant advantage in the bulge, if we change our present beliefs and practices around ageing. Here are a few ideas:
  • Baby boomers must become aware of and act on their personal responsibilities as well as their rights
  • Maintaining and developing a healthy brain into old age is no longer an option – we must take it seriously
  • The idea of retiring and ‘having a well earned rest’ needs to be revisited. Contribution to society should be expected
  • The structure of work and workplaces must change. Older employees should be employed for their wisdom
  • Family and community could take a primary role in living, working and supporting each other
We cannot change reality, but we can change our approach to it. We are now in a situation that could not have been dreamed of 50 years ago. All of our attitudes and systems are based on a reality that will not be relevant in the next 50 years. We need to adapt.
Personally I believe that we are entering an exciting period when, for the first time in history, we have the opportunity to have a wise and compassionate society. The alternative is less attractive and we need to generate a critical mass of people to create the change. The situation is real and within our lifetimes most of us will become part of the problem or the solution. Which will you be?
Join the campaign for a wiser society. BrightbrainForWisdom
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