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Understanding consciousness

The Head Trip by Jeff Warren
Wheel of consciousness model by Jef Warren

I have just finished this book. It raises very intereting questions about the way in which three separate areas of reseach and practice are starting to combine. Consciousness – or state of mind – is fundamental to everything we do or achieve. It is fundamental to personal development, but also, I believe, to effective group collaboration. It requires a synthesis of three areas of knowledge: Neurobiology, psychology and spirituality. We are at the point where it is possible at last to see the connections here and learn from them.

This book is not easy to read, but if you are interested in consciousness it is a great integration of these three areas. I have just written a review of the book – on Amazon – also posted here on the book reviews page. If you prefer to see and hear the basics, Warren has posted a short video on You tube which is a good summary. BrightbrainForWisdom
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